Friday 21 January 2011

More Fog and A Missed Mega

Firstly the photos of the Dusky Thrush that I mentioned yesterday were posted today on the Internet and made me green with envy, the photos and details of the find can be found Here (be warned the images are gripping!). It really does show how rare birds can turn up anywhere and it's always worth searching through the flocks of Redwings and Fieldfare in case there is some beauty like that lurking amongst them.

Back home the fog from yesterday had lingered till the morning meaning that once again the visibility was poor and I relied on my hearing mostly to find out what birds were around. The pair of Pied Wagtails that hang around the neighbourhood in winter were in the next street next to mine but as usual didn't hang around long and were very skittish. The Goldfinch flock on Derby Road had grown in number with at least 12 birds present, and a brief view of a bird that could have been a Lesser Redpoll but the flock flew off before I could get good views. Once again both Song Thrushes were in full song, with the bird near to school being particularly adept at imitating a car alarm in the middle of its song! This is a talent usually seen in Starlings, which I've heard do perfect imitations of car alarms, other birds and once a bird that had me looking around for 10 minutes whilst it was doing a great parakeet impression.

Hopefully I will get out this weekend for the high tides at either Warton Marsh or Stannah.

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